At the end of last month, our family participated in the first of three important weddings that will take place in 2010. In the summer, my baby sister will be getting married, and we'll add another member to our extended family. And in June, two of our very best friends are tying the knot as well. But this first marriage celebration was for Eric's brother Jeff, and his new bride, Kara. It was such a fun day, filled with a lot of smiles and laughs (and pictures, oh so many pictures!) and a few tears as well. It was freezing outside; in fact, I don't think it left the single digits all day. But the sun was shining, and everyone seemed to be having fun. I'm sure once we see all the professional pictures, I'll add a few more photos, but for now, here are some of our favorites! Welcome to the family, Kara!

The beautiful bride!

Eric giving Kara a hand with her dress.

Our family before the ceremony.

Jeff and Kara with the many flower girls and the "flower boy".

The Plantinga brothers with their beautiful wives.

Eric and I at the reception.

Emily poses with Jeff and Kara. She wanted to be in every picture that day!
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