Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Six Months Old!


You are officially halfway to your first birthday!  Wow.  In some ways, I feel like your dad and I just brought you home from the hospital and in other ways it feels like I can't quite remember how it felt to exist without you.  As usual, you've had a busy month filled with learning all kinds of new things.  One of the most significant is that you've finally started to enjoy eating baby foods.  It took quite a few attempts, and lots of bib cleaning as you would push out anything that I managed to get in.  In the last week or so though, you have started swallowing.  And, lo and behold, you enjoy it!  You eat banana, pears, applesauce, carrots, and sweet potatoes and seem to like them all.

This month you have also decided that you don't need to be swaddled anymore to sleep, which is a great relief to me because I kept picturing you going off to college and still needing your dad and I to swaddle you in your dorm room each night.  Peanut, your mom is really good at finding things to worry about.  I hope that is something you don't get from me!  But now, this is the face that I see when I come to your room in the morning or after a nap.

Another exciting adventure you've had is going to the beach!  Your dad and I had some business to attend to near Grand Haven and we took you to Lake Michigan for the first time.  Your face was priceless as you touched the sand and the waves for the very first time.  Luckily, you seemed to be enjoying yourself until you got a little bit chilly.

This means that you and I can enjoy many days at the beach this summer, though I'm sure it won't be quite as relaxing as it once was.  Unless maybe you want to lay quietly on a towel reading magazines with me and getting tan?  Alas, keeping you entertained is no easy task!  Your dad and I used to tell everyone who asked that you were such a good, easy baby.  I'm no longer convinced that's quite accurate - as you seem to only be content for more than five minutes when someone is actually playing with you, carrying you, talking to you or dancing in front of you (yes, I really dance).  But thats okay for now.  I'll sing and dance for you as long as you don't hold it against me later.  You and I also have started taking short jogs together, and if I keep running fast enough, it seems like a good break for both of us.

Thanks for blessing and enriching our lives so much little girl.  I never dreamed that being a mom could be this demanding and this much fun all at the same time.




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