Even though she's young, Eric and I have wasted no time letting Emily know which teams she will one day root for. We both went to Calvin College for our undergraduate degrees. It's where we met, established our relationship, and spent our formative college years. Additionally, I have worked at Calvin for four years, meaning that it's been a HUGE part of my life for eight years now. Maybe that's part of the reason why I'm having a hard time with the fact that I'll be leaving my job at the end of next week. At any rate, we really enjoy going to Calvin basketball games and when Emily was only a few weeks old, we began taking her to an occasional game. Granted, she slept through most of them, but she was there. That was when she was so young she would sleep anywhere through any amount of noise - ah, how I miss those days! Here she is in her first (of many, I'm sure) piece of Calvin wear.

Also, I grew up in Pittsburgh, which means it's a given that I am a HUGE Steelers fan. One of the hardest parts of living so far from where I grew up (aside from the obvious missing of family) is that I can't get the Steelers games on television every week or make it to very many games. But, Emily has already been to her first Steelers game. My mom and I went to a game last fall when Emily was still in the womb.

She's obviously going to root for them as passionately as I do, and here she is sporting her first jersey (well, it's more of a onesie, but close enough). Don't you think someone should pay her to model this stuff?

I'll check with Art Rooney. She is definitely model material!