I'm so sorry to the faithful friends and family who regularly check our blog hoping for an update - I haven't written nearly as often as I had hoped. Part of this I blame on my job, which has been way more stressful and busy this fall than I ever anticipated. But, the other part is just being a little lazy! Either way, I'm happy to report that everything is continuing to go well with the pregnancy.
Two weeks ago I was given another ultrasound, and the partial placenta previa I was experiencing earlier has completely resolved itself. This means I have the green light for a vaginal delivery! Our little girl was measuring pretty much right on target at that ultrasound, though her head was measuring somewhat big - not exactly what every mother wants to hear. ;-)
I also can't complain too much about pregnancy symptoms. I have a little trouble sleeping for any long stretch of time at night, and inevitably wake up with sore hips each morning. But other than that, I continue to feel pretty good, have no had no noticeable swelling, and no stretch marks yet (knock on wood!). I think staying active - by running for as long as it was remotely comfortable, and then walking and taking water aerobics - has really helped with a smooth pregnancy.
Eric and I are eager for the arrival of our daughter! We can't wait to meet her though there are moments when I wonder what we've gotten ourselves into. I have a feeling that's pretty normal though. Oh, and a huge blessing for us has been that we found a fantastic childcare provider for after my maternity leave! Her husband works at Calvin with me, and she has two little kids of her own and watches a third child two days a week. Oh, and they live four houses down from us - isn't that amazing?! Eric and I felt completely at peace with her just minutes after meeting with her!
Okay, perhaps the length of this post will make up for the lack of quantity in recent weeks. Thanks to all of you who are thinking of us and praying for us!
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