Tuesday, June 18, 2013


She is amazingly fast on her sister's scooter!

Monday, June 17, 2013


We celebrated Father's Day at the beach.  The people in this picture make me feel so blessed when I wake up each and every morning.


Turns out Emily is also a pretty big fan of Lake Michigan.


Words can't express how much Sophie loved the beach.  That makes me so happy.


Hillary may have been 8.5 months pregnant, but she still somehow rocked a 90+ minute set.  So much fun!


I got to hang out with my very favorite band tonight.  I sure do love Lady Antebellum.  They are right up there with running and healthy baking for my current passions.


Today I overheard Sophie saying, "I love you so much buddy" and when I checked on her she had poor Oscar in a headlock.


We attempted a group walk tonight with a bicycle, a tricycle, a bike trailer , a scooter, and an umbrella stroller.  I lost count of how many times the kids traded places.


We had a wonderful reunion with old college friends tonight.  Ten years and six kids later, we're still the best of friends.


I love this little nook in our home!


Everyone needs a little company once in awhile.  Emily will sometimes offer to read to Sophie on the potty.


It took Emily all of two days to meet a fiver year old girl named Allie who quickly became her BFF. This is Allie.


Sophie wasn't satisfied with our landscaping and got right to work making adjustments.


We moved in to our new, awesome home today.  And in all the craziness, I forgot to snap a picture.  But here's a cute one of Sophie and Lydia from a couple days later.


While I travelled back to Michigan to assist on move in day, grandma Evonne and grandpa Don watched the girls.  Photo credit to grandma here, as the girls watched a turtle cross the road.


The day after her birthday, my sister took her boards to become a certified PA (and she passed, of course).


I didn't get to see her today, but cheers to my sister on her birthday!  Love you, Elsa Belle.


This girl has a killer smile, and can outrace any toddler on her tricycle.


We signed our names many, many times today and got the key to our new home!


We left Pittsburgh and arrived in Dexter today, and we close on our new home tomorrow.  The girls got right to work biking and having fun in our new living quarters as we can't move in until June 5th.


Sophie is a little fish and refuses to let anyone near her in the water because "I can swim all by self!"


It may have only been in the 70's but my girls were ready to swim on Labor Day weekend.  We moved out of Woodlawn and in with my parents this weekend.


My favorite animals to visit are the giraffes.  This guy was particularly friendly.


Taking a log ride through the animal lagoon.  Emily thought this one was a bit too tame compared to the Log Jammer ride at Kennywood.


Just playing outside on a cool and beautiful day.


Emily's favorite animal to visit were the sea lions, who put on quite a show.


Both girls LOVED all the fish.  I see a trip to an aquarium in our future.


Emily was a little apprehensive that I asked her to turn away from this guy for the photo.


We took a trip to the Pittsburgh zoo with grandma Ruth!


Cuddle time!


Our family celebrating Em's graduation from pre-K.


Emily with Miss Melissa, the wonderful director of Noah's Ark preschool.  We will miss her!


It turns out moving was a big obstacle to picture taking and posting on a daily basis.  I am going to post a bunch of picture that have been taken in the last thirty days, but no promises that the days are exactly correct.  Her e is Emily and her friend, Tessa, enjoying a post pre-K graduation treat.