Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Say Cheese

Sophie has been smiling for a few days now, but this is the first one I captured on camera.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The More Things Change...

the more they remain the same.  These picture were taken when each girl was about five weeks old.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Big Girl Beds

This past week, Emily slept in her new "big girl" twin bed for the first time.  I expected some drama, but there was none.  She did great, sleeping the whole night without a peep, and staying in her room in the morning until someone came to get her.  Also, Sophie began sleeping in Emily's crib, and no longer in her swing or carseat.  She also did great, still going three to four hour stretches at night.  Yay for my good sleeping girls!

One Month Old!

Dear Sophie,

You are turning one month old today!  As was the tradition with your sister, I will try to remember to write you a note every month.  Thus far, I have to say that you are a remarkable baby.  You seem to generally be pretty content with life, and happy to relax in a bouncy seat, swing, or someone's arms and take it all in.  When your eyes are happen, which is happening with greater frequency, they are so big and round.  I wonder what color they will end up being, dark like mine and your daddy's or bright blue like your big sister!

You sleep like a pro, generally going three to four hours between feedings at night.  Also, you are happy to accept both breast milk and formula, which has been wonderful.  I pretty much expected that I would not be able to feed you with only breast milk, as was the case with your sister, but unlike Emily, you will take either without much fuss, which has been great for both of us.

When you do fuss, I have determined that you like to swing sideways and I am glad that your cradle swing, which we lovingly selected for you, has this feature.  You also can often be found with several toys at your side because whenever Emily sees you awake and without something to do, she loads you up with baby toys.  Also, you poop.  A lot.  Well, whenever you decide to poop, there is a lot.  Enough said.

Sophie, this has been a hard month, but it is not because of you.  We have packed up our entire home and moved to a new house in a new city in the first month of your birth.  And through it all, you have been (mainly) a source of joy.  I can't wait to get know your personality more in the coming weeks, months, and years.



Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

Our family enjoyed a low key Thanksgiving, with Eric's parents and my mom coming to our house for the holiday.  We sure enjoyed having everyone here, and all the extra helping hands.  Emily especially liked the extra attention from her grandmothers, and a great time was had by all!

Emily helps Grandma Evonne make the turkey soup from our leftovers.

Story time with Aunt Kara.  I think each adult read these Babar books about five times over the weekend.

Making blueberry muffins with Grandma Ruth.  Emily really likes to put all the cups in the muffin tin, and she's quite good at it.

Sophie snuggles with her mommy.  She was quite sleepy for most of the weekend, but she's waking up a lot more these days!

Sophie warms up after her parents had the audacity to give her a bath!

More Visitors for Sophie

This post is a little overdue, but Sophie had a few more visitors after she was born, and here are a few more photos:

Kristy, Josh, and Micah Manion. They are such a photogenic family! We captured this one on the first try.

Tala, Val, and Tiona Sakala. Little Tiona didn't look so small next to our newborn!

Uncle Rick and Aunt Joan Plantinga reminisce about when their three children were this tiny!

Grandma Ruth arrives in town a few days after Sophie's birth and quickly snuggles with both kids!