Wednesday, September 24, 2008
What is she looking for?
Friday, September 19, 2008
Anyone need a size large t-shirt?
At any rate, I digress. My husband keeps his t-shirts on the top shelves of his closet and as he's gathered more and more from races and other events, they have simply stopped fitting no matter how I push and shove. So I told him he must sort through them and get rid of the ones he hasn't worn in the last two years. This, friends, is what I found. Just let me know if you need a t-shirt!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Today, after Emily was done eating lunch, I set her down on the family room floor by lots of fancy toys. Then, I remembered that Oscar had been sitting patiently by the back door waiting to come inside. I left Emily where she was, and went to let the cat in. On the way, I noticed a bug on the kitchen floor and stopped to gently trap it and set it free outside squish it. When I came back to where I left my peanut, she was nowhere to be found. Before I could panic though, I heard squeals of delight and this is what I found:

I guess potty training will be a breeze if she already likes the toilet so much!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Reading Rainbow
One of the things I looked forward to the most about having a baby was reading together. I pictured a little one snuggled up next to me as we re-read some of my childhood favorites and explored new children's books together. When Emily was very little - only a few weeks old - she would fall asleep while I read to her. But now, despite my persistent attempts, she screams and squirms every time I try to hold her on my lap and read a book to her. Last week we went to the children's section of our local library, and Emily had a blast playing with the toys scattered on the floor while I looked around at the thousands of books they had available. Soon, Emily came and found me and very selectively pulled three books off the shelf I was perusing. Her choices were a small hardback about a young duckling named Gossie, a Dr. Seuss classic entitled Yertle the Turtle, and a colorful selection called Heaven is Having You. She happily played with her books (okay, she tried to eat them) all the way home. Still, this seems like progress to me!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Eight months old!
At first, I didn't believe the people who told me that your babyhood would fly by; that I would find myself a little wistful for how small you used to be. But now, that's exactly what I'm doing. And this is how people get tricked into having more babies. They remember the smell of a newborn, how cute the first smile is, how adorable the tiny fingers and toes are - not the screaming, the dirty diapers - did I mention the screaming? But I digress. This has been the month of mobility. You began to crawl the day after you turned seven months old, and you haven't looked back since. It's been great, because you are getting much better about entertaining yourself, but you also get into everything! See exhibit A: