Emily is almost a week old already, which is hard to believe! So far, this parenting thing is both the hardest and most rewarding thing I have ever done. Emily's entrance into this world was rather traumatic, as I pushed for almost two and a half hours before having a c-section, but since then she has been a rather good baby. She likes to sleep a lot more during the day than she does at night, and that is my biggest complaint thus far. Luckily, I have a very, very supportive husband. Plus, my mom and sister have been staying with us since Emily was born. Between all of us, we are pretty good at getting just enough sleep, but I do worry about how things will go when my mother and sister leave in a few days. So far, here are some of Emily's likes and dislikes:
her hands, music, rocking and bouncing, being held, eating, sleeping on her side (she can already get from her back to her side by herself!)
diaper changes, baths, getting undressed, and being woken up to eat when she doesn't want to